Showing posts with label Guests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guests. Show all posts

Thursday, 9 November 2017

10 ways to keep your wedding guests happy

Image: Sami Tipi
Photographer: Clive Blair
I spent hours and hours researching dresses, flowers, venues and everything else you can imagine for my wedding. I won’t lie - I looked bloomin' fabulous! I spent far too much money (as you do!), I lost a lot of weight for the day, my dress was gorgeous and I felt like the most radiant bride there was…

Notice how many I’s there were in that paragraph…

I could go on of course and tell you loads more about how I was the most important person on my wedding day but it simply isn’t true.

I could tell you my husband to be was the most important person... don’t get me wrong he ranked highly…

To me, on the day I married the most wonderful human being to ever enter my life (at the time - he was beaten to that title by my beautiful son when he was born) the people I cared about the most were my guests.

Interview with a Bride - New Year's Eve wedding

This week I caught up with Stephanie Leonidas who is about to celebrate her one year anniversary to Robert Boulter this New Year's Eve....